Hold on to your receipt! I was surprised to see my credit card charged for more than double the amount that I paid for lunch for me and a friend at this location this weekend. I called my credit card company who verified that while the authorized amount was for $23 and after a 20% tip totalled $28 I was somehow ultimately charged $64. My cc company encouraged me to speak with the restaurant to see if I could resolve the matter with them first.
I first called the restaurant and spoke with the woman who had served me (owner?) and was told to come in so that they could resolve the matter. I was told that "we usually don't make mistakes but they happen". When I went in the same woman insisted that they did not charge $64 to any one that day, but they did not appear to have my receipt in the 10-15 receipts from that day that she brought to the counter to review in front of me. When I asked if we or she could review the receipts more slowly to determine if my receipt from that day was even in the pile, she became more agitated and emphatically exclaimed "Why don't you believe me? It was only me and my daughter here that day!". While I would love to be able to afford to give a $40 tip, I can't. I assured her that I wanted to figure out what happened and I was not accusing her of anything. While I can understand that one might be defensive at being informed that a wrong amount was charged by their restaurant to a credit card company, this person offered no ideas on how to resolve the issue and did not appear to want to get to the bottom of this.
Uncomfortable with the interaction, I left to talk to my credit card company to initiate a dispute. This was a frustrating experience especially after a long day of work and I am disappointed to say the least by how this was handled by the business. We can all lose our cool at times but looking back and realizing that my friend and I had also been upcharged for fries that we hadn't even ordered or asked about, I am feeling suspicious of this business' integrity.
Unless some extraordinary explanation comes through from this investigation, I am reporting this location to the Better Business Bureau. In the meantime, I have submitted a copy of my receipt to my cc company and am waiting to hear back.