| - In the 4-5 years I've been going here, I've never really been inclined to write a review. The gym itself is decent, I pay $19/mo so there's little room to complain. Machines break down a lot but I guess that's no fault of the gym itself. Sometimes the music selection is atrocious. Don't ever play country at a gym, seriously. So make sure you bring some music to listen to and you'll be fine. There seems to be a high turnover rate among employees - not sure if that's because they're usually young (and probably in college) or if working there sucks. Either way, majority of front desk people aren't very friendly and are almost always on their phones, sometimes not paying attention or even bothering to engage with members. It seems like a relaxed atmosphere, but damn, at least make an effort to put that shit down. I get bored at work too but I never let customers see me dicking around on my phone. Really, the only reason I'm even writing this review is because of the new young girl that was just hired - cute, African American girl who always has a smile on her face and always acknowledges everyone. I was down in the dumps recently and she was just so sweet and nice, it really made my day. Kindness goes a long way. So, this shout out is for you girl.