Dr Gentile misdiagnosed my daughter which made her end up in the hospital. She had a UTI that ended up leading to a kidney infection. I informed him or her symptoms and that I thought she had a UTI, he assured me it was an ear infection and sent me on my way. Later that afternoon her fever reached 107!! I called the doctors office and spoke to the nurse and she told me to put her in the bath and give her Motrin. What?! 107 is so high, that nurse should have told me to get my daughter straight over to the ER! The next day I took her to the ER because I knew something was wrong. The ER staff informed me she had a kidney infection and was very dehydrated. She ended up staying at Carson's children hospital for 2 days.
Never ever will I go back to dr gentile. He is a nice man but he needs to listen to the mom. My daughter was way to sick to have just an ear infection. even at our follow up visit he said he still didn't think she had a UTI. Even after the hospital said she did.