First off let me state this could have easily gone to a 1 star. I took my daughters Iphone in to get battery replaced. Left it there went back picked it up 3 hours later, paid the 85.00 and left. That was late in the evening so in the morning I took my daughter to school, happy she has a new working phone, life is great. We pick her up from dead. what. Yes. I swear...i need to go there AGAIN!!!! I am going to flip my lid! I do not have timed to do this. So i make appointment and off we go AGAIN! By this point I am irritated, tired, mad, just want a stupid working phone.
It was our lucky day! We got "TUCKER" as our service rep. He took one look and asked me a couple of questions and immediately said...."I will make this right- DO NOT WORRY" I could have went bat shit crazy (but I said OK) Tucker ran a few tests, asked me a couple more questions and said "I will get you a new phone". I had already been told the day before it would 249 to replace if there was water damage (so i was expecting to buy a 249 phone). I of course say "Oh a refurbished phone(because I am fine with that as long as it works!) Tucker said "NO- we do not give out used phones ever!" I was like " fine with that too!" Tucker was juggling 3 customers and was very professional and personable. He asked me if anyone offered a phone to us yesterday, i said no. He had his manager bring a new iphone out and power it up and transfer all of her data onto it!!! MY EYES WERE AS BIG AS SAUCERS!! Then he pulled up my invoice from the night before and had the manager refund me my 85.00. He indicated in the 6 years he worked there he never had seen this happen and just knew he needed to make the customer happy from the start! I was simply shocked! I have been left completely in shock! I think I will get the whole family Iphones now! I have been left IMPRESSED! I highly recommend having "Tucker" help you...he is great with people and extremely efficient! Again, if someone else would have helped me I might be putting a 1 star and M F ing this place up and down! Still amazed!!!