| - I never thought I would become one, but alas...I have become one: a Sprinkles fan. What the heck. Before ever setting foot in a Sprinkles store, I had this image that it was for rich Beverly Hills types who had all the money in the world to spend on ridiculous things like cupcakes, but after actually going to Sprinkles (again and again), this place grows on you (or you on it), and you discover that its sweet cupcake love is available to all.
I'm not gonna lie. First time I tried it, I was like, What's the big deal? It's good, but it's not great. And then, after a week or so, I was like, I want to go again and try a different cupcake. So I go, I try, I like, and then, another week goes by, and I somehow find myself back in line at Sprinkles, eyeing the day's cupcake flavors and trying to make a decision. It's a sick, somewhat pricey ($3.51 for one cupcake), fatty cycle, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Also, Sprinkles does great things occasionally, so be on the lookout at their website or on This past weekend, they were doing a charity event where all red velvet cupcake proceeds went to Haiti relief (no guilt!), and the weekend before then, they were giving away free red velvet cupcakes if you wore an AZ Cardinal t-shirt or hat. Great cupcakes + great ideas = bliss.
PS: Give the banana cupcake more love. If you like bananas, you will NOT be disappointed by the banana cupcake. It will treat you right. I highly recommend it.