This store smells so bad. When I walked in the other day it was like stepping into dirty public transportation - that subway/bus smell. I HATE that smell. I think that smell is pretty universal in most public transportation in North America - but to smell that in the Apple Store? Sure, it is the pit stop for the homeless to check their email, but someone has got to kick out the loiterers and hang up an air-freshener. Seriously.
There are tons of staff people milling around in their dorky blue shirts being all Apple-culture-y. They are not all that friendly. Some are okay, but some just are plain stoned.
You have to wait in a lineup at the top of the stairs to talk to one of the people holding an iPad making appointments in order to do anything service related. They should structure this better. I hate waiting in a line up on stairs. I feel like I'm in school.
It just is so disorganized in this Apple store. Service is totally slow, even on a quiet day.
I hate the set up of staff just all over the place with no apparent structure. But that is not unique to this Apple store, but to all Apple stores. I guess if I want more organization and rigidity, I have to turn back to my old IBM-Love and his entourage of Microsoft nerds.
Okay, in summary AND in order of importance:
1. This place smells bad and they have to do something to freshen the air
2. Make the check-in point for service in a better location so you are not trapped behind the masses on the stairs
3. Enforce the rules of basic customer service to all staff - remember, your chain is as weak as that bitchy crabby stoner that spoils the whole batch