Lindsay is my stylist and also my sisters. I have long hair and my sisters is short. The cuts are always nice. She cannot get my blonde quite the way I want it because my hair is too fine and damaged from a previous salon. It is better than it has been in 17 years. Don't go here! (Edit: after two decades trying to get blonde from different Aveda salons, I have decided they just can't do blonde. In one visit to Lazriel at 130th, they fixed what Lindsay did to me and I now have the cool white blonde I wanted. No extra damage to my hair. I have pretty hair again! What Lindsay let me walk out with was indescribable. No one could even tell what colour I had and I told my family I was never leaving the house again. When I started at Lazriel, I had more than 25 different vertical stripes of unknown colour and more than 12 horizontal demarcations. In one session they got it bleached to one blonde colour and we went from there. Blossom was awful. Lindsay doesn't have the experience or confidence to do a good job with bleaching or colouring. Or, she was trying to make it look that bad.)
The other downside is Aveda salons do not do head massages anymore. I have to ask for them and forget sometimes. I dislike the hand massages offered because the lotion makes my hands itchy and I have arthritis. I really just want a long head massage done well.