Be extremely careful with this company when purchasing coatings for your glasses. I spent over $400 (plus $65 for an eye examination). Glasses were good for about 10 months when they first started to 'craze"..... which is basically the coatings peeling away and hindering vision severely. When I presented the problem to them shortly after the 1 yr warranty expired I was told I was totally out of luck - but they'd offer a 10% discount on new frames and lenses. Needless to say I went elsewhere - the problem seems to be cheaper materials used by this Hakim group to apply to their lenses. This keeps costs down but also doesn't give the user proper wear for the expense. If you insist on using this company ask for a 2 or 3 year warranty on frames, lenses AND coatings. If you don't do this you might be stuck with unusable product.