I give their coaches a 4-5 and I guess that is what counts. I give the desk and office staff a 2 with potential to improve...maybe. For tumbling, I think that the forced online only registration is confusing. Yes, we arrived thinking my daughter was enrolled but she wasn't. Second, just some flexibility on make up classes. Maybe 2 per year? Stuff happens. I pay a good fee, 30% of your customers switch gyms. Try to make it less people leaving. It's a statistic common in all gyms. They offer an open gym option for make ups but that is like registering for an MRI. You have to prove your worthy and then they have to verify. The open gym is more like a kids night out. No structure, no lesson. Cheer program looks great. If they cut out 2-3 competitions from it, I would have signed up. It was just a bit too pricey for level 1-2. There are a couple other areas they could show flexibility or service-minded....potential is customer oriented, customer relations