CCV is a HUGE church, but they do a pretty good job making you feel like it is small. I consider the church's humble beginnings to be cool. The church started out in a classroom at my old middle school. I wasn't a part of the church and I am actually still not a part of the church, but I used to go their with a group of friend every week for a little while. They do a really good job with their messages. They always seem to be positive and have a good meaning. I really enjoyed going to this church.
Well, that is the good. Personally, the bad is that the church is just so big, to me, it is like a corporation trying to take over the world. It is hard to deny that they are a well oiled machine that have done A LOT of things right to get where they are now. I would suggest going to this church if you are looking for a new place that has a positive uplifting message.