Northlake aficionados (hah!) may know that there is a small Men's Wearhouse and Tuxedo Rental store inside the mall. It is attended by pimply 17-year-olds who, despite their earnestness, know very little about their merchandise. I would steer clear of that closet-sized store and go to this larger box-store across the street. Chances are you'll be directed here anyway.
The "Wearhouse" pun is apt. You are getting mass-produced, bulk-shipped products and they aren't trying to hide it. The interior more resembles a Salvation Army than a Brooks Brothers, and although I know that these clothes are of quality the atmosphere does not convey it. When I bought my first suit at Macy's on 34th Street I felt like a king of men. In Men's Wearhouse, I feel like I might be buying a mattress.