I've been going to Keystone for over 3 years now. It's the perfect gym for me. The staff is very friendly. Gail, Peg and Karin are staples there. They always greet you, say hello. Just good people. I've never seen "high school kids" working there. The clientele is also friendly. As far as the reviewer who said people were rude passing her by, as a member you get a card and just have to swipe it. So there is no need to wait in line. I usually go to the gym in the mornings and it is an older group. They all say hello and ask how you are doing. There is never a wait for a cardio machine. Never. If equipment breaks (maybe 2 machines in the time I've been going) it's fixed very quickly. It's located inside the old Westinghouse mill. Which is pretty cool. It's an RIDC park now. I find the walk kind of neat from the covered parking to the front door. You walk right through the old mill. I've never felt unsafe. Plus you and your car stay dry the whole time during inclement weather. I've never tried the extra classes. Maybe someday I willl. I understand The Grind was just rated best in the city by Pittsburgh Magazine. For now I just get in, do cardio and hit the weights and machines. There is plenty of variety for me.