Strange disposition and bedside manner, was not thorough and was dismissive. I went to him for adult acne, and he immediately prescribed me an antibiotic without any discussion of other possible alternatives. Throughout the appointment, he continually kept touching my collarbone as he spoke (not really a deal breaker, I just found it kind of odd and uncomfortable,) and the entire appointment lasted about 7 minutes. Though I am sure this is true with many doctors, I also got the sense that Dr. Landow is being paid to endorse certain products over others, which made me question the validity of his recommendations (i.e. was he making them because they were the best fit for me, or because he was paid to represent those brands?) This feeling was only exacerbated by the poorly constructed/outdated video montage that played in the exam room while you wait, which was a looped advertisement of about 6 different anti-aging injectables.
The front desk staff (including Dr. Landow's assistant who accompanied him to my exam) were very polite.
I'm sure he has been very helpful to other people -- he just wasn't the best fit for what I was looking for.