I think its great to have a fairly large open space in the midst of all the digital hoopla where on most days theres a bunch of people doing absolutely nothing. we dont get enough of nothing in the city.
in the summer you often see children playing in those fountains that shoot up from the concrete slabs of the squares floor. youll also, on weekends, not see much of the squares floor at all, because its filled with booths for crafts and so on in their market.
people need an even space that has no walls, that is accessible to everyone and is for everyone. its nice also that it seems to pour right into the large intersection that now has that four way light for pedestrians.
the square also has t.o. tix which is a great spot to get affordable theatre tickets for large to smaller theatres around the city.
it might be nicer somehow, if there were more trees there though, so maybe someone could sit in the shade, but i dont know, i suppose they wouldnt be able to have as many events there if it was that way.
either way, its like our own piazza...might be nice to have cobblestones though...better go to the distillery.