| - Big difference of opinion in my family about this place. To me, it's the low side of average. My young person likes the sushi (cheap and abundant.) My SO likes the quantity. If you are very hungry, have a large capacity for eating, and are not too discerning, this place is a bargain. (For the wallet--it's bad for the waistline.)
The food is standard Chinese buffet, with duck. There is lots of it. Most (except sushi) is fried or heavy on oil--fills eaters up more quickly and cheaply. The ambiance is pretty much dorm cafeteria, with all the clatter and mass-feed indifference you'd expect.
The "servers" are intrusive. In a buffet, it can take time to finish so much food. I haven't seen the place more than a third full any time I go, but I always feel as if I am being hurried along. If the plate is still in front of me and not pushed to the side, if I am still eating from it, if I'm not glaring at employees in a chiding why-don't-you-take-this? way, I MUCH prefer not to be asked every few minutes if I am done yet. I also dislike the employee laying hands on my plate as if to snatch it away before I've even had a chance to reply.
Mostly, the customers are what you would expect--people with young kids or big family groups, people who want to eat a lot (and who might consider not making a habit of that. . .yes, I have found myself among these, so no judgment here), and people not interested in conversation or a leisurely, pleasant dining experience.
Mandarin Seafood Buffet doesn't pretend to be anything but what it is--the Sam's Club of calorie consumption. If you live in the area and are looking to chow down at a relatively affordable price, this is definitely the place to come. Don't bring a date or potential client here, and be prepared to defend your buffet pickins' when the employees come around. (Maybe there are not enough plates?)