Me and my BFF were like giddy teenagers at the opening of this place. She is from the South and I'm from FL which we had Chick-Fil-A's freaking everywhere. We literally have to drive to CFA in Rancho Cucamanga to get our fix which is way far away so we only get it when we are heading to the West Coast or L.A. Those days are now behind us now that this place open. I can't believe I saw some ppl weren't happy this a.m. with CFA on their grand opening. We arrived around 11am or so and had pretty much perfect service, great food (YUM) and the staff was happy as well as all the customers in line. We had a classic sandwich, 4 piece FIL-A- strips, waffle fries. My Mother tells me she loves the chicken salad sandwich and one day I will try it. I am hungry again and it's dinner time and I wish I had some more CHICK-FIL-A. Darn, why didn't I bring some home! Don't be stupid like me and bring some extra for your family or friends home and then you will prolly end up eating it yourself !!! LOL, it's the "thought" that counts!!!!!
By the way, met the cow ! Had our pix with him. That was AWESOME!!!!!!