Went Friday night. The benefit of going at night is that the weather is great and no need for sunblock. They do not check bags so bring your own bottle water. Police are patrolling through the event. I'm not sure how they work this without eating the whole time.
The entry line was long. Some registers were cash only. Also some food trucks that usually take cards did not take cards for this event. The ATM at the entrance is NOT your only chance to access an ATM so skip it if it has a line. The transaction fee is $4.50 so I would advise getting money before you go. I spent $30 on food, but the two of us only ate at 2 trucks. We tried Jogasaki Sushi Burrito and White Rabbit and have zero regrets.
The port o potties are dark at night. Make sure to lock the door because people furiously tug on the door multiple times. At least there was tp. No water in the sink stations, just the purell.
Make sure to do your research on the food trucks before you get in line. Choose wisely because the lines are very long. Some food trucks are from Vegas, but I have never seen them before. I skipped them in hopes of just seeing them around town later. I found that just looking at the menus on my phone while in line saved me time. It's better than walking up, looking at the menu, and then standing in line.
So if you go to the Food Fest be ready to put up with parking woes, waiting in a long line to get in, waiting in long lines to get your food, and having to eat uncomfortably. The food makes it worth it.