Don't waste your time taking your bike here. I had to drive 45 minutes each way to pick my new bike up from the PV store so their expert tech could properly assemble it. The front shock had 130 psi in it (set to factory maximum - 250 lb rider), the rear shock had 20 psi in it. No shock manuals, so I had to look the info up on-line and set up the shocks. On the first ride I thought there was a problem with the front brakes, but on closer inspection the headset had not been properly installed and had significant play in it. Had to break out the toolkit on the trail and remove the top cap and stem and properly reassemble. Also discovered that the shifters were not adjusted - going from the little ring to the middle ring up front the DR was coming up short and it would not shift without one full click on the lever, plus another half-push to get onto the middle ring. After half-dozen rides on Desert Classic the bolt holding the adjustable suspension chip at the top of the rear triangle came loose. No thread locker on it. At that point, I knew a trained chimp had put the bike together, and rather than suffer another failure I stripped it completely down and reassembled it properly. No problems since, save for the rear shock which started belching oil. Took the bike into the Tempe store, left it with them, and then got a call saying it was too dirty for them to inspect and fix or replace. Ridiculous and shameful.