| - Unfortunately like the other Yelp Elite '17 reviews for this location, I too had a negative experience with this place.
Don't get me wrong: It's a novel idea, The Baked Bear, you choose your own "sandwich breads", you choose the ice cream, put some toppings on, all under a $10 price point, but man... The business offers so many options but offers so few TYPES of options.
What do you mean, you ask? Maybe it's the lack of advertised features that would cater to a more relevant audience amongst millenials. Where are the lactose-free options? Where are the almond/soy milk options? I get that these products typically require more process handling and paperwork in the food service industry, but if you're going to set up shop in a place like SCOTTSDALE of all places, why would you choose to alienate such a large portion of your potential customer base? Total business opportunity lost here.
For a business that advertises frozen desserts as their prime point of engagement (PPoE) with customers, I'm left scratching my head as to what the business lifecycle plans are for this place. The hype isn't real, it seems to lack visible foundation for business longevity.
-Why is their email address over 25 characters long? I checked online, there were definitely shorter domains available that'd be less of a PITA to type out.
-Why are there multiple network SSID's for the Baked Bear and no obvious signage anywhere in the store that talks about wifi use for customers? If none for the customers, you need to re-label your SSID's accordingly so people are not thrown off by this.
-Why is the lighting in this place so poor? It's 2017, the lighting style TBB currently chose is horribly dated.
If your employees are so completely out of touch that they lack the fundamentals of social bargaining platforms and its integration with point-of-sale (POS) systems, I question why the owners even turned to the Groupon platform. Why, you wanted to garner more business? If that's the case, you need to understand the platform and ensure SOP training is disseminated to employees before biting off more than you can chew. Otherwise, you get justifiably clueless employees, and worse, you get customers that get frustrated. Lines build up, customers talk, and as we say in the tech industry, "Nothing is ever truly deleted off the Internet."
Speaking of chewing, when I came here, nothing on the menu indicates they have lactose-free options. So here I am, Groupons in hand, and I can't use any of them unless I want to land on a toilet all day. My date ended up using one of them, but I couldn't use any for myself nor my son; we are both lactose intolerant and the menu indicates no options that are lactose-free and their marketing is lacking at best.
All in all, unfortunately, some shoddy business implementation, poor marketing management, and lack of cohesive general business best practices makes me say "Eek! Methinks not" as Yelp labels one star reviews. The business just reeks of uninformed business decision after uninformed business decision.