It's always a toss up for me to goto lowes or home depot. Lowes has a few things home depot doesn't. Lowes is typically higher priced and when it comes to service... Lowes SUCKS!!! I have literally stood at the end of their aisle and yelled "does anyone work here???????" and no one was around. I NEVER have this problem at home depot.
Their aisles are always organized very differently and I often have a hard time finding stuff. When I do get someone to help me, they often don't know where stuff is at either and send me to multiple aisles and sometimes when you think something should be with 1 type of stuff in the store, it's not, it's 10 aisles over.
I went to the store recently with my dad looking for heavy duty wall anchors for a wall mount and the guy had no clue and sent us to an aisle that sold wall mounts instead of to the aisle that had heavy anchors. We found it ourselves as usual.
I am definitely more of a fan of home depot.