| - Short version: This place is a shithole. Don't bother.
Long version: From the moment we walked into the rental office to the day we moved out, this place was a stain. My husband and I chose Talus as temporary living quarters based on proximity while awaiting the completion of our new home. In retrospect, it was an impetuous and ill-informed decision. I suppose our short-term status blinded us, but if you're on the lookout for long-term housing be warned.
We had issues with:
* Parking spaces - We were told it would be two weeks before one was available. Fine, except in reality there wasn't one available for the better part of TWO MONTHS.
* Structure - It was so fucking loud in that place that we never once slept through the night while we lived here. Never. I know apartments have a reputation for paper-thin walls, but trust me, this isn't the first "multi-family" housing situation I've lived in, and the light fixtures literally swayed from the tenants above simply walking around. I'm not exaggerating. I won't even get in to the frequent toddler wrestling matches that took place above us.
* Staff - outside of the initial contract negotiations, nobody here gives a tin shit about the tenants. Our infrequent complaints were always met with a scowl and were typically pawned off onto another party, if addressed at all. No complaint or conflict was ever sufficiently handled.
* Grounds - every conceivable surface was covered in dog shit. Constantly. The pool was consistently green and littered with cigarette butts and spent beer cans.
* Bugs - Out of control. I've lived in Phoenix for nearly 20 years and have never experienced this many scorpions, ants or crickets. I'll echo Chrysty C.'s previous complaint that charging for "monthly" pest control ought to negate any pest sightings. It didn't. We found several scorpions and countless crickets. We also spent many a night vacuuming ants from our bathroom and bedroom floors. While the pests mainly infested the interior, the worst area was the water heater closet on the patio - the crickets were so numerous that we began referring to the closet as the "Temple of Doom". Foul.
It's difficult to pinpoint which aspect was the worst. Pure suffering for three months.
I feel it's important to point out that it's been two years since we lived here (June - September, 2008). Maybe the situation has improved since we left. Somehow I doubt it. Regardless, I'm still upset about our time here, and I thought my fellow Yelpers should know. Caveat emptor!