Contigo Peru is a Peruvian restaurant that recently opened up. I would characterize it as a spot that is low on atmosphere but high on food. I've never had Peruvian food before, and at the recommendation of my friend from Peru I went with the Ceviche de Pescado to get acquainted. The food itself was great - it was prepared quickly and the presentation was great.
Ceviche is cooked fish that is served chilled - definitely not something I'm used to and it took some reassuring from my friend that it was safe to eat. Once that initial shock passed, I really enjoyed it. It was spiced with a unique hot sauce that can be added to taste.
The side dishes were two different types of corn from Peru as well - both of which added to the meal and left me satisfied. All of this was washed down with an ice-cold Inca Cola which I had read about but never had before.
The restaurant is set up as a large, open room. Not too much to look at, but nice and the Waitress / possibly owner / manager was really attentive and cracked a few jokes at my insistence on spicier food.
All in all I hope this place does well because it can be tough to find authentic South American food in the valley and Contigo Peru does a great job at that!