Now that's something you shouldn't expect from a $8.50 burger - badly burnt. I was the only one in line during the lean lunch time, around 1pm and 10-15 min I waited, they hardly got 2 more customers. Then why did they burn it? Even they did, why didn't they care to apologize and replace? I walked 15 minutes before I took the first bite and by that time, all I could do was ..... you guessed it right..... curse them. For when I sit down to eat & have paid as per your rates, they should live up to my expectations; for that matter everybody's.
Did I mention - Jalapeño & onion pieces were thrown in, so I on bite I got 3 pcs of Jalapeño, you can imagine my situation. C'mon put ur heart & soul into your job now that Wynn has raised the minimum to $14/$15