I've always loved swiss chalet and being that I'm always disappointed with the take out swiss chalet when my family gets it. Today was different though, we had a family meal at this swiss chalet and it was a very tasty meal. Eatung in restaurant gives you nice crispy-ish skin that I've grown to miss on the takeout chicken, and the fries when you eat in are to die for. Some say they're not that good, but when you get fresh swiss chalet fries you'll be hard pressed to find me complaining; they're cinsistent and if you regularly go to swiss chalet you know what you're getting. Consistent decent food for a decent price. The one this I have difficulty with is i never get dessert there, never get appetisers, I only go for chicken and fries with sauce. The only way they can win me over more as a customer is if they include some vegetables with the dinners... potatos aren't veggies in my book