I have a van that I bought as a work vehicle. It wouldn't run correctly but with 84000 miles I figured I was still getting a good deal. Took it to Lee's and told them to look at it. They called back days later and said it was a fuel pump and that it would be around $400 to get it going again. I said ok as I didn't want to deal with it myself. Then they called the next day and said the fuel tank needed to be replaced as it was "rusted out" I though that was wierd since there was NO rust anywhere else on the vehicle but whatever. They said they could get a used one for 150$. I said ok. The replacement tank looked as if it fell off the truck on the way to their shop. Literally that is what it looked like. They then called and said that I needed to get new plugs installed or it still wasn't going to run right, which was going to run 400 dollars! For plugs! I said no I will just take it the way it is. They said sorry but we already started on it! WTF! So now with new pump, fuel filter, gas tank and new plugs guess what? Still doesn't run right. They say it is going to be another 1100 dollars to change out all of the injectors! So I go pick it up buy the injectors myself fro 450 dollars and put them in. and it still runs the same as when I brought it in there. Did I mention that I asked for a new belt to be installed while they were into the motor, which was another $200 and they billed me for it but didn't put it on? They did refund that money. So a recap I bought a van for $600 Lees put another $1050 into it and I put another $450 plus my time, for a job that they were going to charge $1100 for and the van runs exactly the same. DO NOT GO THERE!!! I wouldn't let them change a flat tire for me if I was stuck in front of their shop.