I came to this church as an escort to my girlfriends mother who was visiting and wanted to attend Christmas Eve service. I am a Christian but not a Roman Catholic practitioner. Irregardless I came with an open mind and remembering that the lord does not care where you worship as long as you worship.
The service was quite busy with a large number of people "saving"'seats. Again I had an open mind and found a small section for my girlfriends mother and the grandchildren to sit.
My girlfriend and I, decided to stand as my back was hurting me and we were out of the way with a good views of the entire church to see.
As service was about to begin a middle aged gentleman or man, approached us and simple said "we are asking that everyone find a seat".
Every church that I have ever attended (and I have attended many denominations of Christianity, Judaism and Islam) were just appreciative that you were there to worship in the. Are of the lord. There was no dog and pony show so that there church can "appear" cute and perfect for Christmas eve service.
We were not blocking any exits, we were not in the way of a flow that would obstruct a mass exit in case of emergency, we were comfortably standing preparing to worship and celebrate the birth of Christ. Yet it was more important that we submit to the whims of what someone deemed aesthetically pleasing and "sit down" in submission.
If it were a fire code issue he should have explained. He was an usher and could have done his job and at least pointed to open seats in case we wanted that option. However he and the "powers that be" wanted us to "sit".
I have friends and many acquaintances of faith. I trained in residency in the last catholic hospital in New York City. I have never been made to few more unwelcomed and burdened as I have this day. I will let as many people as I know hear about this experience and would advise against this as a true place of open arms, compassion and worship as I get like an unwanted customer as opposed to a child of God. I am sorely disappointed but not surprised.