| - Stayed here last year and forgot to write up a review on it. The Four Seasons brand says it all. The best possible for all their guests. Everyone seems to love working here. They are extremely well-trained to make you happy. Everyone smiles, they open doors for you, stop what they're doing to say hello, help you with the smallest things, and you never feel like they are insincere. The service is just unparalleled. The whole experience tickles you so silly you just want to holler.
We stayed in a two bedroom residence club, which is the Four Seasons timeshare. The accommodations are well-appointed and comfortable, in Four Seasons style, understated, high quality, and makes you feel at home somewhere else. We loved the full kitchen, the washer/dryer set, and daily maid service.
I was intrigued by the Arizona desert and this was my first time out here. It looked like the bottom of the ocean without the water, very surreal. The sky was crystal blue, with puffy white clouds billowing past. The weirdest thing on my way there, a single large dark cloud wafted over our vehicle and started to rain on us, and like a bugs bunny cartoon the rest of the sky was blue and dry, with other brilliant white clouds. Trip out. It was hot here. I mean 100+ almost everyday, but it's a dry heat, so if you can get under some shade, you are at least 10 degrees cooler. Also, the body seems to adjust to it somewhat. My wife never did, but after a while, I just went about my business just like anywhere else.
Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Four Seasons spoils you for anything else.