I can assure you that I will never go back to this store again! I've lived in Boulder City for 36 years...and this is the worst store I've ever been to! I purchased 2 pounds of "FRESH WILD CAUGHT SALMON" for $18.00 on July 24, 2014. I drove home and prepared it. WITHIN 1 HOUR WE BOTH WERE RUNNING TO THE RESTROOM!!!!!! We got extremely ill with diarrhea, upset stomach and complete and total weakness with dehydration from FOOD POISONING!!!! IT'S THE FOLLOWING DAY AND WE ARE STILL BOTH SICK FROM ALBERTSON'S SO CALLED FRESH SALMON!!!!! This store needs to be shut down!!!!! They are going to end up killing someone!!!!! There are many people that have gotten sick from their meat and produce! And we unfortunately were one of them. I called the manager and demanded a refund and told him what their "fresh salmon" has done to us. As soon as we feel better, we will be going to Albertson's one last time to collect our refund for ROTTEN SPOILED BACTERIA RIDDEN SALMON!!!!!! Do yourself a favor and drive to Henderson Smith's or Costco to do your shopping!!! This store deserves a NEGATIVE -10 STAR!!!!! PATHETIC!!!!