I was there for the first time in years. WOW. This place is dead, muerto. How can the owners let this place go down like this. I know times change, people move, tastes change but two things need to happen. #1 Close the mall and re-build it smaller or #2 Just let is degrade and let is die slowly. Dillards is only a clearance center. OK there is a Sears but no other anchor stores. Malls with no anchors can not survive. Look at the other stores there. Very few interesting places to shop. There are almost no major trendy stores there that young people shop at, like Victoria Secret, Gap etc. Also few decent places to eat. I heard Walmart is moving which will help the wall. but thats not the answer. There is security problems, financial problems, modernization issues, unfortunitally Metrocenter's time has come and gone.