| - Now I know what happened to all the velvet glow-in-the-dark rock band posters on clearance at Spencer gifts: They wound up here.
Aren't hippies known for things like recycling and being conscious about....stuff? While the decor is, um....sweet and reminiscent, and strangely overloaded with license plates and interesting things, the menu is....not.
Standard issue eggs, omelets, and scramble-bowls on plastic plates with all disposable utensils, cups and accompanying ware. Pretty wasteful in a time when we are being asked to re-use things more and more. And don't forget all the styrofoam conatiners. Shameful. To fluff up the size of your dish, the kitchen plops your eggs on top of the crappiest cubed potatoes I've ever had. Tasteless squares of barely cooked taters that would send any Irishman into verbal convulsions of "Jesus Mary and Joseph preserrrrve us!". While the prices are decent, the food just isn't. If it's labeled "Orida" and can be dumped from a plastic bag onto the griddle, you'll probably find it on this menu, which isn't saying much.
While I'll give the designers points for having an old piano inside and for making the staff duck under a vintage bike to hand you your order, kitsch just doesn't cut it with this place. It's a bit like Jerry Garcia's personal vision of Chuck-E-Cheese for deadheads...who don't have to worry about their tastebuds working properly after a night of shrooming.
The "Hippies" franchise is expanding much too quickly and can't keep up with it's own ass. I highly recommend slowing it down a bit and concentrating on your food quality - isn't that the hippie style anyway?