Zuri holds a special place in my heart. One, they make *the best* mojito ever. That's right: a mojito. The less-informed might claim it's a girl drink. Little do they know that most of the world was introduced to it when James Bond himself took a sip of one in Die Another Day. That's enough of a man-card for me. They literally build it up from scratch, fresh, everyday. It's delicious. Don't go here without trying at least one.
When I was in town last year to see Dave Matthews Band, a lot of time was spent at this bar. Flava Flav was even there at the same time we were. It's a dynamic space that still has a separated area from the bar so you can chill in comfort without being bumped into by patrons. It just seems like it's in the perfect spot in the casino. It's got a certain something that I really can't put words on. Nice place.