Thee WORST pharmacy I've ever been to. Last week I asked Larissa? To call UNCC health center to transfer my prescription since the holidays their hours are shorter and I wasn't able to make it right after work. She said she will do it and it will be ready. I wait in line for 20 minutes and they have no record of anything and now the health center is closed and can't get my.prescription. so now today? I spike to a Bash to call and transfer my prescription. She said call in 30 minutes to check if it's been processed, I call back asking mind you it takes 20 min for someone to answer the phone and they said it's processing and will be ready by 6. I get here at 6 wait 20 min in line and they said it's still not ready for another 10 minutes. I go back in line for another 20 minutes it's ready but they never ask for my insurance info in the beginning and I gave them my card and now I have to wait another 20 minutes for them to rebill . Mind you I'm upset and tell the lady I'm not going to wait back in line for another 20 minutes and she laughs at me then walks over to the other lady and says something in her ear then she laughs with her. Her name is yolande. VERY DISRESPECTFUL! Never ever again.