Absolutely love this place! I come here very often in the summer, perhaps 3 out 7 days a week haha! Staff is wonderful and kind and the horses are well behaved and gentle. I always request Snowflake when I arrive as this horse will go the speeds I want to go at. Fast or slow, Snowflake will do it. And Snowflake can run like no other in my opinion. Never once have I met a rude staff member or out of line horse. I absolutely enjoy my time when I come here, I can get on Snowflake and relax and watch as we trudge up the hill to the flat part where I run Snowflake. Though, Snowflake likes to take short cuts at times and gets me lost but I get Snowflake back on the original route back to the barn without much hassle, but Snowflake can be a bit hardheaded and keep trying to take the short cut. I'm a big horse lover and my heart fills up with excitement when I ride, as I unfortunately can't afford a horse so this place gives me the chance to ride one. If you haven't been here, please consider! Friendly staff and horses!