Generally speaking, this place overprices their gear and lowballs you if you take anything in to sell/trade. They do have a great selection, but DEFINITELY don't take anything to trade in, and hope to be able to haggle if you want to buy something here - unless you really, really want one of their used items.
Since you can't respond to owners publicly (or at least I can never figure out how), I'll just say I brought in good gear and was offered less than half of what I got in Craiglist - where I got multiple offers within a couple hours. Pretty sure I priced it below what they would've done, too, based on similar stuff. I wasn't trying to "unload" anything, just got a great deal on a better equipment.
Don't get me wrong, this place is way better than Guitar Center, and they always have some amazing guitars in stock - just don't expect to get a good deal on a trade-in.