| - Have been coming here for years. However, yesterday, I took a package in and they refused to ship it!
It seems everytime I come in here, they critique my packages like a food dish on Chopped!. They shake it, hmmm to themselves, critique the tape and the package and what might be inside.... This isn't a competition to see who can be the most pedantic, it's supposed to be a simple mail drop.
What I think is going on is, they want to up-charge as many people as possible. They tried to charge me almost $10 for a 'better' box and also $15 for a wrapping fee. So $25 more to ship my package out. You are joking right? USPS would have shipped my package ALL-IN for $15.
And if you are wondering, yes it was a brown plain box, yes I used cellotape, yes the box was symmetrical, no there were no problems with the box.
I've had about enough of this place and the staff. They can take their up-sales, gum chewing and SHOVE IT!