| - Whenever I come to town I shop at this store, but have not used any of the contractor services till week of Feb 12 2013.
My normal and trusty handyman was out of town, so I turned to HD to install a replacement security door at one of my rentals. First step they have to go do a measure for which they charge you $35.
2nd step they contact you with options.
Well we didn't get past the first step 'cuz the contractor reported 'the door cannot be replaced'. End of story.
When I asked for the measure dimensions was told "there are no dimensions, I just told you the door CANNOT be replaced! These are professional door installers, if they say it cannot be replaced it CANNOT be replaced" Hmmm....all very odd, and since you do not have the option of communicating with the guy who did the on-site evaluation there's no real communication....very frustrating.
SO, since my handy guy got back to town this week (Feb 18th), asked him to go out and let me know what it would take to resolve this issue.
Report from the site:
- Me: So Tim, can you fix it?
- Tim: Well sure, I mean you have to do a small repair to the frame, but no problem.
- Me: Ahhh you have any idea why the HD guys could NOT do the job?
- Tim: Nope, no idea its pretty straight forward.
Bottom line: for me going to HD was a total waste of time, $$, and energy. If you need a screw or a part, go to HD. If you need professional service look elsewhere.