Reviewing this place makes me feel like the old fart I could so easily become: Tacos El Asador has unquestionably fallen from it's Pre-Yelp-Days status of "completely awesome", to a mediocre-at-best joint that is run by the owners' younger generation....for the younger generation. Kids, your burritos are filled with filler....and the prices are higher for lower quality.
Long ago...even ten years ago...this place was run by the whole family: Mom and Pop did the cooking, Gramma sat on a stool in the back making pupusas, and the brothers minded the counter....and the food was freakin' AWESOME. Chicken burritos were made with -- get this -- CHICKEN. Not a combination of mostly beans & rice + a bit of bird....but actual chicken. Pupusas were made not just with higher quality ingredients, but with the loving touch of an old El Salvadorian grandmother, who would churn out quality pupusas like nobody's business. Everything else on the menu was kick-ass as well. And cheap.
Tacos El Asador was our go-to "gotta eat cheap" place long ago....and the only reason I returned (after hearing about the brothers taking over) was that Buk Chang Dong Soon Tofu across the street had a line out the door...
The bottom line is that the owners, as nice as they are, are banking on people who don't know any better, and who thinks they're getting a good deal on good food. Meh. It's your choice.