| - I suppose my score would teeter in the gray area of a 3.5. This place has it's great points: good, brewed beer; incredible deep-dish pizzas loaded with toppings; and, from what I saw, attractive wait staff (always a bonus).
My short-comings list would be: the Applebee's-esque environment; and horrible placement/identifying of the facilities. Those don't seem major, but when you need to go number 1 between well-crafted home brews, you don't need to make laps around the place. Especially weaving your way around the islands of high schoolers who are enamored to be there. Also, given that this place attempts to combine the sports bar with a family place to dine, it clashes too loudly and, on a packed-out night, I could see this place being overkill.
I know this might be coming off harsh because they do have some magic working for them. Their pizzas are bomb. In this new age of pizzas with thinner crusts, these pies kick it old school with their Chicago style crusts. Complimented by their over-abundance of toppings, these pizzas rock. That is all I can say for their amazingness. You will have to try the pizza for yourself.
As far as brew goes, with me being a beer snob, this was a good brew. I ordered the Kolsch and my broseph selected the Porter. Both had a good consistency and overall taste. The Kolsch was a little reminiscent of Four Peaks kolsch, perhaps with less vanilla. It had a some characteristics of a red ale to it. Overall, I feel like they can put out some good beers.
So looking back over this, I will bump up my teetering score to 3.75. You will just have to experience it for yourself.