Q: I heard that this is the best smelling Casino/Resort in Las Vegas. Is this true?
A: Oh, absolutely. Between the hours of 5.00am and 11.00am, there is the glorious smell of stale cigarettes, carpet cleaner, freshly baked croissants and strong coffee. All of that surrounded by the mesmerizing din of slot machine noise. A perfect environment when you're stumbling towards your room at the Flamingo at 5.45am, hoping to God that someone is awake in the room and will open the door for you.
Q: Wow! This is the sort of classy place that I'd like to throw-up in!
A: Absolutely.
Q: I'm poor, I can't do Paris.
A: Help Las Vegas get even closer to replicating Paris by being a Street Urchin. There's lots of bread in the bread carts and the bakeries that line the "cobble-stoned" streets. Steal loaves of bread! Distribute them to the poor! Power to the people!
FYI ... The Paris Las Vegas security doesn't take kindly to your Quasi-Communist/Robin Hood-esque antics.