| - Our 1.5 y/o baby girl was admitted here for a night's worth of safety monitoring resulting from a near drowning experience. By the grace of God this situation turned for the best, for we were headed home with a happy healthy baby.
Considering the circumstances, along with the whirlwind of extreme emotions brewing - shock, grateful, dismay, relief... Our assigned nurse, Cierra Beal, was gentle & compassionate in sharing our martyrdom, helping us feel comfortable and at ease...
She touched our hearts in a tremendous way, especially in her courage to share a similar personal experience... An admirable and selfless gesture, as it's a sensitive topic of discussion in the first place, let alone to share with complete strangers... We both agreed... It only takes seconds for an accident to turn...
Crossing paths with Cierra was a blessing in disguise indeed, she is truly an angel. I feel we have gained a life long friend and look forward in joining her on a journey of home/pool safety proofing and swim safety advocacy.
Thank you Cierra for making our experience an uplifting and memorable one. May you continue to be blessed in making an impact on families within our community.
The V's