**Please read ALL reviews posted, even the ones Yelp does not recommend, for they are very much in line with the truth about this company. If there were a way to give 0 stars, I would I am a current tenant of one of the properties owned by Hiltz Management. I was going to wait until I moved to post a comment but in fairness to anyone on the market for a rental, I cannot do so. I fully expect them to keep my deposit or some other ridiculous form of retribution for posting a negative comment, but I cannot keep to myself any longer that this is the WORST EXPERIENCE RENTING AN APARTMENT I HAVE EVER HAD. I would have been better applying to live in one of Oscar The Grouch's trash cans. I am going to wait until I move out to post a review detailing all of the unethical business practices and personal horror stories regarding EVERY interaction I have had with this man and his staff, but please be warned, you're better off at one of the local homeless shelters than you are with this company. Watching him bully a poor old woman today was the last straw.