If you are getting a procedure done as outpatient, I would recommend this hospital. If you need inpatient services, I would recommend a Super 8 motel before I would recommend this place. I gave them a 5 star review so that my review would not be moved to the "Not Recommended" yelp reviews (you should really take a look of those). In fact, I am writing this review from my hospital bed at Phoenix Childrens Hospital. Keep in mind I'll be 18 in a month.
This all started when I got referred to a GI at PCH for constant nausea and abdominal pain. I had also had 2 ultrasounds prior showing a cyst on my pancreas and possible fatty liver disease. The GI (Dr. Raizner) was not interested in any of this. She was convinced that I was extrememly underweight even though I have been the thin my whole life. Dr. Raizner kept using the term "extremely underweight" to convince my parents to admit me to the hospital. Now here I am, stuck. I haven't seen Dr. Raizner for three days and things are much different than she said they would be. She told me I was being admitted so they could see how I normally eat at home and count the calories. Here's how it really is: I have a 24/7 "sitter, I have to keep the door open when I use the restroom or shower while the sitter stands by the door, I can't pick my own meals and if I don't eat every bite they force me to drink a warm boost shake- the whole thing. They also kick my parents out and take my phone away for 45 minutes at meal times and I can't use the restroom for an hour and a half after eating. My boyfriend said he even heard my nurse conplaining after leaving my room dropping off my food. Once when they brought me dinner and I didn't like it, they forced me to drink 2 warm shakes and then I felt sick to my stomach. I asked the nurse to get a pan for me to throw up in and she walked in with an annoyed look on her face, handed it to me, and walked out without saying a word. I also have to share a room and the parents stay up late being loud and watching tv, not caring that I am trying to get some sleep. The nurses don't even care.
Please don't take your child here for any inpatient services. They have a history of calling cps if you want a second opinion and I am still trying to figure out how to get out of here. I feel much worse and stressed out than when I came in.