How I made it out of here without spending an entire paycheck and redoing my entire yard is beyond me... This place is awesome. I love a locally owned lawn and garden center so after driving past Jim Jenkins several times, I figured it was time to stop in. The location/parking lot can be tricky to get into and out of because Painters Run is a busy road, but there was a police officer there stopping traffic so that customers could get in or out.
This place is slightly deceiving from the road. I thought it was just a small little garden shop and wasn't sure if I'd find the clay pots I was looking for. Holy cannoli was I wrong. This is the Energizer Bunny of lawn and garden stores. It just kept going and going and going and going. I found the clay pots and a whole lot more that I didn't have space (or budget) for. The prices are fairly reasonable, the pots I was looking for were $2.99 and the saucer was $1.99. I also found a decorative one that's rather unique compared to what you'd find at one of those "big box" stores for a mere $6.99.
I thought I was done shopping until I saw the huge selection of pre-sprouted veggies and herbs. I poked around there for a good bit before reminding myself that I'd just be feeding the infamous deer of Mt. Lebanon and not myself if I purchased any. On my way to the cashier, I stopped to check out their variety of succulents that were potted in adorable little planters... realizing that the aforementioned deer would not eat these, I grabbed one for my patio and silently told myself that my work here was done. The total for my four items was $24 which I didn't think was bad at all. I love shopping local and this place is just awesome. They also have plenty of items that would be great for gift-giving.