A hole-in-the-wall, or as we call it "PhO" in the wall ... yes, I realize it's pronounced 'PhaAa" but in this case, make an exception! =D
Up the set of stairs and into the Wooden looking shack, there is a theme of even more wood from decades ago, resembling a little shack in saigon?? - haha I wouldn't go that far, but you get the point. All this doesn't matter cuz all we really care about is the food.
Ordering system is on a sheet (like a sushi list) which makes it casual and quick. They offer the usual Vietnamese fare, so give it a go! Soup or dry noodles, whatever you feel like.....Make sure you order the fried spring rolls, I love them here, it looks and taste different from other places. I suspect they use the rice paper and not the spring roll paper to wrap it.... whatever works!
p.s. they have 'kid' size portions here too.