What Dream Cream Ice Cream is selling (the fine brand of Perry's Ice Cream) can be had at Sinful Sweets just blocks away, but like the Ben and Jerry's franchise that also happens to be nearby, they are doing more than just peddling manufactured dairy products.
As you may or many not already be aware of, Dream Cream Ice Cream primarily exists as a charitable apparatus for its employees. The proceeds from each flavor purchased and partaken in partially go towards financing the goals of one of DCIC's staff. Some are trying to raise money for non-profit organizations they believe in. Others are funding personal causes. One man simply wants to climb out of debt and become more self-sufficient. The lovely young woman minding the counter when I finally visited needed money to open her own pastry shop. My choice of Panda Paws ice cream happened to have a bullseye on her heart's desire (and I'm a sucker, but I digress...). I have no clue as to whom the other two flavors I picked to go in my cup benefited (Apple Cinnamon and Red Velvet), but assuredly, no matter what you're hankering for, DCIC has a flavor of a quality ice cream that will not only satisfy a craving but help improve the human condition in an ingenious albeit small way.
While what DCIC sells isn't unique, what they're doing is, and their mission is larger than that of an ice cream parlor. Keep this machine of hope humming. Indulge whenever you have a chance and uplift your fellow Pittsburghers simultaneously.