| - Mom has been visiting, so we've been doing interesting things around town that I wouldn't normally do.
The railroad was pretty cool, and I suggest it to everyone. Definitely a better value though for hikers/bikers that hop on and only have to pay $3.
That said, we purchased the "First Class Tickets" (not cheap at $46 for two). Definitely not worth it. It may have been fun to go the ultimate level and sit in the windowed second-deck dome (those tix were sold out), but the First Class was not worth it at all. Just buy coach. My mom and I ended up sitting in coach the way back, and there was a lot more space, because the car was nearly empty. first class, nobody was pointing out the highlights! On the way back, the person in coach pointed out where the eagle's nest is, with all the chicks inside, but we were sitting on the wrong side of the train for it, because nobody said anything about it on the way down.
Still though, a fun time, and a nice way to kill a few hours. You can walk about the train, and there's a concessions car with wine, beer, snacks, even sandwiches and hotdogs and such which you can take back to your seat.
TIP...when you board, on the way down to Akron, sit on the east side of the car so you can see the winding river. On the way back, sit on the west so you can see the eagles.
OH...ANOTHER TIP...the stop in Akron is a very short walk to the downtown area. You can EASILY walk to Luigi's pizza, Crave, Lockview Tavern, art museum...anything downtown really.