| - It's okay. I mean if you have ever woke up in the drunk tank to a guy screaming "they are killing me" when nobody is touching him, then yeah, this place is a better rest than that.
And it is a hell of a lot better than waking up in a hospital bed, with a splitting headache, after being hit in the head with one of those 15 inch game day giveaway baseball bats.
I wouldn't say it was better than
sleeping on a friend's porch in Alameda tho.
But that also could of been because of the memory it invokes.
Deciding not to sleep with the woman you dream about, because you don't want it to interfere with the fairytale romantic notion that something life fulfilling could actually happen with her in the future (under better circumstances); so you sleep on a friend's porch type night, because your friend forgot to tell you that she is staying at her boyfriends house, and that she left the house key under the doormat that you end up using as a pillow. Only to find the key at your fingertips, when she comes home laughing, at seeing you on the porch, freezing.
It isn't as good as that memory is.
They do have a strizzo in the same parking lot...
That might be a plus.
Besides that,
it is an okay place to stay,
better than sleeping on top of a van outside of Chattanooga,
but that is a whole other story.