| - The storefront says, "Buy Fresh, Buy Local." But in reality, it should be "Buy Local? Buy Fresh."
The Collective (note not co-op) is a wonderful little haven of handmade crafts and goods. There were more adorable earrings, purses, and clothes than I could fathom. My friend and I wandered the store for nearly an hour alternately exclaiming, "cute!" with mouth agape or chatting up the staff.
As Erin H mentions, each showcased artist/designer works onsite once a week. The only downside to this is if inquiring minds have questions about something other than the artist du jour personally made, there won't be any answers. And as a person with some hard core metal allergies, I won't buy jewelry unless I am certain that it doesn't contain anything that will make my earlobes swell. However, I was lucky to encounter the artist who crafted the earrings that fell in love with and so, got to take them home with me (and support the local arts).
Plus, I was able to be a helper that day (I love being of assistance). As the resident artist handed me a credit card receipt, I was able to pass along this little tip: legal colors only please! I passed on the pink pen handed to me and instead signed with a my own, handy blue plume. For, although I wasn't planning on contesting the charges, anyone could attempt to do so and without either a customer's blue or black ink signature on file, the store might end up "out" some fundage.