I enjoy going to Cajun Canvas with my friends. It's a great way to just focus on something fun, and leave the day behind a little.
I've painted with a few of the teachers, but I've had Mike the most. He is quiet, and sometimes I'm not sure how my painting looks in his eyes (probably awful!) but when you take it home, yours is the best.
Mike will walk around and give you some tips on your work, and let you know any techniques you can use to enhance your painting.
At Cajun Canvas, you may bring snacks, food, beer and wine - just be sure not to dip your brush into your wine glass instead of your water cup. ;)
I think the best part about the paintings is that at the end of the class you can see how different everyone's turned out, love your painting, you created it!
Look online for deals at : SweetJack.com / Halfoffdepot / or other deal sites.
Paint 10 times and get one class Free!
Private Classes for Groups avilable