| - Terrible, after waiting an hour to be seen while a huge line stood there at 5 p.m. rush hour with one teller, no one even spoke to us.
I'm handling the estate of my mother, they lied to me, allowed vendors to remove money from a dead persons account without authorization, and then only cared about taking her money and blaming me, they were one of the people removing money and didn't even offer a refund, told me to come back in a week because they would "forget" to call me when it would be time to finally cut a check. They didn't "forget" to sieze every penny of her grandchildren's money to ensure they get paid. I was followed to my car and acosted, then had to defend myself. So MIGUEL HERNANDEZ, and the branch manager MARSHELL, or whatever her name was should be fired for treating grieving family members in such a manner.
Chase here's a tip: most people don't deal with death daily so you should help them through the process instead of treating them like dirt. social media is the only platform we have to spread the truth.
Miguel and marshell, even though you dont deserve it. hopefully someone won't take advantage of YOU when YOUR loved one dies, and treat you the way you treated others.